In this work, a simple model is presented to determine tensile/yield strength in polymer nanocomposites containing spherical nanofillers based on material and interphase properties. The accuracy of the proposed model is estimated by comparing with the experimental strength of several samples from the literature. In addition, the effects of thickness (t) and tensile strength (r i ) of the interphase as well as the radius (R) and volume fraction (u f ) of the nanoparticles on the tensile strength are explained according to the proposed model. The high level of nanoparticle strength (more than 100 GPa) commonly leads to overestimates of the tensile strength of nanocomposites, whereas the assumption of correct interphase properties produces accurate calculations. The tensile strength of nanocomposites does not change at r i < 38 MPa, while it increases by 140% at t 5 20 nm and r i 5 90 MPa. However, a maximum 14% growth in tensile strength is obtained with the optimum values of u f 5 0.04 and R 5 10 nm. Therefore, the concentration and size of the nanoparticles have minor effects on the tensile strength of nanocomposites, but the major influences of interphase thickness and strength are pronounced.