Late Neoproterozoic (680 Ma to 560 Ma) Avalonian rocks in the Mira terrane of southeastern Cape Breton Island have been metamorphosed inhomogeneously, at very low grade to low grade, as recorded in mafic volcanogenic rocks (metabasite). Local occurrences of higher grade (amphibolite-facies) rocks are limited to aureoles surrounding Devonian plutons. At the lowest grades, metabasite contains primary igneous textures and relict plagioclase and pyroxene. Chlorite, prehnite, and sporadically developed pumpellyite indicate that the rocks have reached prehniteactinolite facies conditions. Higher grade rocks contain actinolite and epidote indicative of greenschist-facies conditions. Pumpellyite was not observed to occur with actinolite, indicating that pumpellyite-actinolite facies was not attained. Relict pyroxene is diopsidic in composition, and along with mineral textures and chemographic projection analysis, suggests that clinopyroxene was an active participant in equilibria at the lowest grades. Calculation of the P-T position of equilibria involving diopside with chlorite, epidote, prehnite, and pumpellyite yields P-T values consistent with very low-grade conditions and with the P-T conditions determined using actinolite, chlorite, prehnite, and pumpellyite. With the exception of the youngest (ca. 560 Ma) rocks, the samples show the full range of P-T conditions from prehnite-actinolite to greenschist facies. The ca. 560 Ma samples record only very low-grade (prehniteactinolite facies or lower).Prehnite-actinolite-to greenschist-facies assemblages suggest that metamorphism occurred at temperatures between 250 °C and 350 °C with pressures less than ca. 3 kbar (300 MPa). The P-T calculations indicate that pressures were somewhat lower, at about 2 kbar (200 MPa). These conditions imply relatively high geothermal gradients (at least 50 °C/km), consistent with burial metamorphism in a volcanic-arc setting. Metamorphism in the area as a whole was an ongoing process throughout the formation and amalgamation of the components of the Mira terrane, rather than the product of a discrete orogenic event.
RÉSUMÉLes roches avaloniennes du Néoprotérozoïque tardif (680 à 560 Ma) dans le terrane de Mira, au sud-est de l'île du Cap-Breton, ont subi un métamorphisme hétérogène et produit des roches très faiblement à faiblement méta-morphosées, comme l'attestent les roches volcanogéniques mafiques observées dans la région (métabasite). Les cas isolés de roches nettement plus métamorphosées (faciès amphibolitique) se limitent aux auréoles qui ceinturent des plutons du Dévonien. S'agissant des roches plus faiblement métamorphosées, la métabasite contient des roches à texture ignée primaire, des plagioclases reliques et du pyroxène. La chlorite, la prehnite et la pumpellyite minéralisée de façon éparse présentes, indiquent que les roches ont atteint le stade d'un faciès à prehnite-actinolite. Les roches plus métamorphosées contiennent de l'actinolite et de l'épidote, ce qui traduirait la présence d'un faciès à schistes verts. La ...