Abstract. The generally accepted noise theory of the dc SQUID predicts that the energy resolution scales as the electron temperature in the Josephson junction shunt resistors. As in metals at low temperature the electron-phonon coupling becomes very weak, the electron gas of the thin film shunt resistors undergoes a Joule heating due to the bias current and its temperature can be significantly higher than that of the thermal bath. This heating, the hotelectron effect, causes a deviation from the linear behaviour of noise versus temperature and a saturation of the SQUID noise, typically at temperatures of about 200 mK. This effect can be reduced considerably by increasing the effective volume available for the electron-phonon interaction by attaching "large" cooling fins to the shunt resistors. Our measurements have been performed on two thin film devices made with the same design of a dc SQUID but without the Josephson junctions: one device with standard shunt resistors, the other with shunt resistors with cooling fins. From these measurements one can expect for the SQUID with cooling fins an improvement of the noise saturation temperature of at most a factor 2, from 200 mK to about 100 mK.
IntroductionThe noise characteristics of the low-T c dc SQUID are well-explained by the resistively-and capacitively-shunted junction (RCSJ) model [1] in which a Nyquist current noise source is associated to each of the two shunt resistances R that are necessary to avoid hysteresis in the I-V characteristic of the Josephson junctions. This model predicts [2] for a dc SQUID under optimum conditions an energy resolution ε=S Φ /2L=9k B TL/R=16k B T(LC) 1/2 where S Φ is the flux noise spectral density, L is the SQUID loop inductance and C is the capacitance of each junction. The white noise of a large number of SQUIDs has been found in good agreement with these predictions. Although quoting this white noise (and the associated energy resolution) is not sufficient to completely characterize the SQUID noise (in fact one has to consider also the 1/f noise and the back action current noise in the SQUID loop) it is usually taken as an indication of the sensitivity of the device.In most experiments in which the SQUID is employed as the front-end amplifier, its noise is one of the parameters that limit the sensitivity of the measurement (see, for example [3]). Besides optimizing the geometrical parameters of the SQUID (low SQUID loop inductance and low junction capacitance)