The effect of screw rotating speed on mass flow rate, temperature, viscosity, mooney scorch time anddie swell of cold feed rubber blending prepared by qsm 200 extruder machineTo cite this article: P Elmiawan et al 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 204 012020 View the article online for updates and enhancements.
Related contentThe effects of screw rotation speed on viscosity, mooney scorch time and dieswell of hot-feed blending rubbercompound prefared by gs/w 250 extruder machine A Zohari, H Saryanto and D Sebayang -A comparative study of ground tire rubber devulcanization using twin screw extruder and internal mixer O Ujianto, D B Putri, Jayatin et al. Abstract.The effect of screw rotating speed on cold feed rubber blending production were evaluated. The specimens were prepared by using QSM 200 extruding machine with variable screw rotating speed 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 RPM. The temperature set in the screw and head of the barrel was around 80 o C by using Temperature Controll Unit (TCU), and was set around 70 o C in zone 1 and 2. Mooney Viscometer was used to evaluate the viscosity and Mooney Scorch Time of cold rubber blending before and after extruding process. In addition, the dynamic rubber process analyzer was used to evaluate the Die Swell of rubber blending after extruding process. The result indicated that the increase of screw rotating speed has a significant effect to increase the flow rate, temperature and the viscosity of the rubber blending. Otherwise, the Mooney Scorch Time (MST) increases due to the decrease of the screw rotating speed. It does not have a significant effect to the die swell of rubber blending.