Grand unified theories may display multiply interacting fields with strong coupling dynamics. This poses two new problems: (1) what is the nature of chaotic reheating after inflation, and (2) how is reheating sensitive to the mass spectrum of these theories ? We answer these questions in two interesting limiting cases and demonstrate an increased efficiency of reheating which strongly enhances non-thermal topological defect formation, including monopoles and domain walls. Nevertheless, the large fluctuations may resolve this monopole problem via a modified Dvali-Liu-Vachaspati mechanism in which non-thermal destabilsation of discrete symmetries occurs at reheating. An ideal inflationary scenario should arise naturally from within supergravity or a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) without fine-tuning. It should solve the plethora of problems of standard cosmology while simultaneously diltuting the monopoles inevitably produced due to the homotopic content π 2 (G/U (1)) ≃ π 1 (U (1)) ≃ Z of the standard model. Significant progress has been made within GUT's and supersymmetric theories towards this utopic vision [1,2]. However, the issue of reheating after inflation in these theories, where the universe is revived, phoenix-like, from the frozen vacuum state, has remained relatively unexplored [3]. This is precisely one area where the full symmetry and particle content of the underlying theory is likely to be crucial.
SISSA-42Indeed reheating poses a severe threat to the simple ideal presented above since non-perturbative effects are typically dominant [4][5][6][7]. Reheating is therefore not a minor phase at the end of inflation, of little dynamical interest. The large quantum fluctuations allow for GUT baryogenesis [8,5] and, as pointed out by Kofman et al [4], may cause the monopole and domain wall problems to reappear due to non-thermal symmetry restoration. This last possibility is actually rather difficult in simple models of reheating with only two fields [6]. As we shall show, however, this situation changes dramatically in the case of multiple fields, relevant for GUT models.The main motivation of this work then is to understand what new effects multiple fields have on reheating. This issue encompasses two particularly interesting unknowns. (i) The nature of reheating at strong coupling when the fields evolve chaotically. This is relevant for GUT's with divergent UV fixed points [9,10] and models such as softly broken Seiberg-Witten inflation [11] where reheating occurs in the strongly coupled, confining, regime. Setting aside the subtle issue of the quantum behaviour of gauge theories at strong coupling [12], in the two and three scalar-field cases studied so far, (classical) chaotic motion has been typical [13], especially at reheating. This chaotic evolution parallels results in the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations [14], semi-classical QCD and lattice gauge theory [15]. Thus a natural question is "what is the nature of chaotic reheating ?"The second issue is (ii) the sensitivity of reheating to the mass spectrum ...