536.245.022On the basis of the theoretical and known experimental results, a refi ned mathematical model of the thermochemical destruction of a multilayer heat-shield coating has been developed. Account of the fl ow across the body has made it possible to forecast more exactly the state of the protected structure under fi re conditions. A comparison between the results of numerical calculations and the known data has been made.Keywords: heat shield material, heat conduction, permeable wood, heat exchange.
Introduction.Making decorative structures industrially requires building materials meeting certain specifi cations. Among such materials are light porous metals, wood, and polymer materials (glass, carbon-fi lled plastics). However, these materials are sensitive to high temperatures and fi re. For example, certain structures from alloyed steel deform and lose resistance and the bearing force after 15 min exposure [1]. Certain porous materials are heated fast and lose their strength properties at 500-700 K, and wood and plastics burn at 470 K and release much smoke and toxicants [1].Bloating fl ame-retardant coatings (BFRC) are used for fi re protection in many branches of engineering -civil engineering, automobiles, ships, fl ying vehicles. Among home BFRCs the most widely used compositions are SGK-1, VPM-2, . Their chief advantage is the substantial increase (by a factor of 20-40) in the thickness of the protective layer on heating and the formation of a low-heat-conductivity porous structure (foamed coke).There are a limited number of works devoted to the modeling of the heat and mass transfer in the considered systems [5, 6-10]. The models of heat and mass transfer in such a system proposed in [6, 10] take into account the heat release and absorption by pyrolysis and evaporation and the change in the volume of the material and its destruction by bloating. Therefore, the mathematical model for the BFRC layer alone includes many nonlinear equations in partial derivatives. A simpler mathematical model for calculating the thermal protection of multilayer containers under fi re conditions was developed on the basis of the experimental results of [7] in [9] and evaluated in [11]. This model showed a good performance in calculating the heating of a structure under the conditions of laboratory and bench tests [9,11].In the present paper, on the basis of the models of [11][12][13] the thermal regime of the wood incorporated into a multilayer structure protected against fi re by an SGK-1 bloating fl ame-retardant coating has been investigated.Formulation of the Problem. The layout of the layers of the structure (tablet inside the frame) in the cylindrical system of coordinates z, r is shown in Fig. 1. The fi rst heat-insulating layer (substrate) is made from a low-heat-conducting material (asbestos cement). For the second composite material, wood is used. Finally, the third layer (facing) represents a BFRC SGK-1.On heating of the material the thermal processes in the nondeformable second layer (wood) and in the deforma...