A method is described for designing nanoparticle agglomerate films with desired film
porosity and film thickness. Nanoparticle agglomerates generated in aerosol reactors can be
directly deposited on substrates to form uniform porous films in one step, a significant
advance over existing technologies. The effect of agglomerate morphology and deposition
mechanism on film porosity and thickness are discussed. Film porosity was calculated for a
given number and size of primary particles that compose the agglomerates, and fractal
dimension. Agglomerate transport was described by the Langevin equation of
motion. Deposition enhancing forces such as thermophoresis are incorporated in the
model. The method was validated for single spherical particles using previous
theoretical studies. An S-shape film porosity dependence on the particle Peclet number
typical for spherical particles was also observed for agglomerates, but films formed
from agglomerates had much higher porosities than films from spherical particles.
Predicted film porosities compared well with measurements reported in the literature.
Film porosities increased with the number of primary particles that compose
an agglomerate and higher fractal dimension agglomerates resulted in denser
films. Film thickness as a function of agglomerate deposition time was calculated
from the agglomerate deposition flux in the presence of thermophoresis. The
calculated film thickness was in good agreement with measured literature values.
Thermophoresis can be used to reduce deposition time without affecting the film porosity.