Flame propagation through a non-volatile solid-fuel suspension is studied using a simplified, time-dependent numerical model that considers the influence of both diffusional and kinetic rates on the particle combustion process. It is assumed that particles react via a single-step, first-order Arrhenius surface reaction with an oxidizer delivered to the particle surface through gas diffusion. Unlike the majority of models previously developed for flames in suspensions, no external parameters are imposed, such as particle ignition temperature, combustion time, or the assumption of either kinetic-or diffusion-limited particle combustion regimes. Instead, it is demonstrated that these parameters are characteristic values of the flame propagation problem that must be solved together with the burning velocity, and that the a priori imposition of these parameters from single-particle combustion data may result in erroneous predictions. It is also shown that both diffusive and kinetic reaction regimes can alternate within the same flame and that their interaction may result in non-trivial flame behavior. In fuel-lean mixtures, it is demonstrated that this interaction leads to certain particle size ranges where burning velocity increases with increasing particle size, opposite to the expected trend. For even leaner mixtures, the interplay between kinetic and diffusive reaction rates leads to the appearance of a new type of flame instability where kinetic and diffusive regimes alternate in time, resulting in a pulsating regime of flame propagation.