Abstract. We prove that the free Fock space F(R + ; C), which is very commonly used in Free Probability Theory, is the continuous free product of copies of the space C 2 . We describe an explicit embedding and approximation of this continuous free product structure by means of a discrete-time approximation: the free toy Fock space, a countable free product of copies of C 2 . We show that the basic creation, annihilation and gauge operators of the free Fock space are also limits of elementary operators on the free toy Fock space. When applying these constructions and results to the probabilistic interpretations of these spaces, we recover some discrete approximations of the semi-circular Brownian motion and of the free Poisson process. All these results are also extended to the higher multiplicity case, that is, F(R + ; C N ) is the continuous free product of copies of the space C N+1 .
IntroductionIn [1] it is shown that the symmetric Fock space Γ s (L 2 (R + ; C)) is actually the continuous tensor product ⊗ t∈R + C 2 . This result is obtained by means of an explicit embedding and approximation of the space Γ s (L 2 (R + ; C)) by countable tensor products ⊗ n∈hN C 2 , when h tends to 0. The result contains explicit approximation of the basic creation, annihilation and second quantization operators by means of elementary tensor products of 2 by 2 matrices.When applied to probabilistic interpretations of the corresponding spaces (e.g. Brownian motion, Poisson processes, ...), one recovers well-known approximations of these processes by random walks. This means that these different probabilistic situations and approximations are all encoded by the approximation of the three basic quantum noises: creation, annihilation and second quantization operators.These results have found many interesting applications and developments in quantum statistical mechanics, for they furnished a way to obtain quantum Langevin equations describing the dissipation of open quantum systems as a continuous-time limit of basic Hamiltonian interactions of the system with the environment: repeated quantum interactions (cf [4,7,8] for example).When considering the fermionic Fock space, even if it has not been written anywhere, it is easy to show that a similar structure holds, after a Jordan-Wigner transform on the spin-chain.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 46L54. Secondary 46L09, 60F05.