Steps are known to be often the active sites for the dissociation of O(2) molecules and the nucleation sites of oxide films since they provide paths for subsurface migration and oxygen incorporation. In order to unravel the effect of their morphology on the oxidation of Cu surfaces, we present here a detailed investigation of the O(2) interaction with Cu(511) and compare it with previous results for Cu(410), a surface exhibiting terraces of similar size and geometry but different step morphology. As for Cu(410) we find, by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy performed with synchrotron radiation, that Cu(2)O formation gradually starts above half a monolayer oxygen coverage and that the ignition of oxidation can be lowered to room temperature by dosing O(2) via a supersonic molecular beam at hyperthermal energy. The oxidation rate for Cu(511) comes out to be lower than for Cu(410) at normal incidence, about the same when the O(2) molecules impinge towards the ascending step rise, but higher when they hit the surface along trajectories even slightly inclined towards the descending step rise. These findings can be rationalized by a collision induced absorption mechanism.