Thermal denaturation of Torpedo culifornicu acetylcholinesterase, a disulfide-linked homodimer with 537 amino acids in each subunit, was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. It displays a single calorimetric peak that is completely irreversible, the shape and temperature maximum depending on the scan rate. Thus, thermal denaturation of acetylcholinesterase is an irreversible process, under kinetic control, which is described well by the twostate kinetic scheme N 5 D, with activation energy 131 * 8 kcal/mol. Analysis of the kinetics of denaturation in the thermal transition temperature range, by monitoring loss of enzymic activity, yields activation energy of 121 t 20 kcal/mol, similar to the value obtained by differential scanning calorimetry. Thermally denatured acetylcholinesterase displays spectroscopic characteristics typical of a molten globule state, similar to those of partially unfolded enzyme obtained by modification with thiol-specific reagents. Evidence is presented that the partially unfolded states produced by the two different treatments are thermodynamically favored relative to the native state.Keywords: acetylcholinesterase; differential scanning calorimetry; irreversible denaturation; molten globule; thioldisulfide exchange; two-state kinetic model Folding of many small globular proteins is a cooperative process in the course of which only two states, the fully unfolded state, U, and the native state, N, are significantly populated. In the case of large proteins, which are generally believed to contain several domains (Jaenicke, 1991;Garel, 1992), folding has generally been considered to be cooperative within each domain, the only species populated in the course of either folding or unfolding being combinations of completely folded and completely unfolded domains (Privalov, 1982;Brandts et al., 1989;Garel, 1992). Evidence is accumulating, however, that another state, intermediate between N and U, can exist. This is a compact state that lacks the unique tertiary structure of the native protein but possesses substantial secondary structure. This state has been named the molten globule (MG) state (Kuwajima, 1989;Kim & Baldwin, 1990;Ptitsyn, 1992). The MG state is considered to serve as an intermediate on the pathway from the nascent polypeptide chain to the fully folded native protein in vivo (Gething & Sambrook, 1992). For most proteins, the MG state is unstable under physiological conditions and readily converts to the N state in vitro (Ptitsyn, 1992 Because the definition of the MG state is controversial (see, for example, Griko et al., 1994; Ewbank et al., 1995;Okazaki et al., 1995), in the present paper this term is used to refer to compact states of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) that preserve substantial secondary structure and lack most of the tertiary structure of the native enzyme. We have shown recently that exposure of a native dimeric form of Torpedo AChE to various treatments generates long-lived partially unfolded species displaying many of the characteristics of the MG...