Seawater used in mariculture has been suspected of being a potential source of infection. In this study, the lethal effects of low-amperage electric treatment on microorganisms were examined in natural seawater and in seawater inoculated with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. In both cases, bacteria including V. parahaemolyticus in seawater were completely eliminated in 100 ms by a 0.5-A, 12-V direct current. Electron microscopic investigation of the electrically treated bacteria revealed substantial structural damage at the cellular level. In conclusion, our results indicate that low-amperage electric treatment is effective for rapid inactivation of microorganisms in seawater.The prevalence and distribution of bacteria such as Vibrio species in aquatic environments are of great public health concern because Vibrio spp. are pathogenic for both humans and animals (18). Recent outbreaks of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the United States have been associated with eating behavior such as the consumption of raw or undercooked seafood, including fish and shellfish (1, 4, 9). Hence, seawater used for the cultivation and washing of fish and shellfish is another potential source of infection. However, conventional techniques of water sterilization are typically unsuitable for seawater. Antibiotics, for example, have come to be commonly used to prevent diseases due to seafood in fishery and culture, but chemical disinfectants may be toxic, deteriorate with an abnormal smell, and cause increased resistance to antibiotics (8). Heat sterilization is not suitable for large-scale treatment and culturing of fish (12). Ozone and UV light are efficient and produce harmless derivatives but are more costly (3,5,19). Recently, the use of pulsed electric fields, which are nonthermal and nonchemical, has been researched for sterilization of water (13,16,21,22). However, the industrial plant required for such treatment represents a major investment for manufacturers because of the limited application of high-voltage electric fields. We also have studied an electric sterilization method for seawater that is based on low-amperage direct-current transfer between bacterial cells and electrodes rather than on the generation of toxic substrates such as H 2 O 2 (10). In contrast to a pulsed electric field, the method described here uses a lowintensity electric current and is therefore potentially much simpler and cheaper to implement. In the present study, the sterilizing effect of low-amperage electric treatment for various times was studied with natural seawater and seawater inoculated with V. parahaemolyticus. Because V. parahaemolyticus is known to cause gastrointestinal illness in humans, it seemed to be suitable as our experimental model.The natural seawater used in this study was collected in the seashore of In-cheon in Korea. V. parahaemolyticus (ATCC 17802; Shirasu food-poisoning isolate) was grown in nutrient broth (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.) containing 3% (wt/ vol) NaCl at 37°C. At the end of the exponential growth phase, the cells we...