The program may be divided into several components: alloy development, mechanical characterization, and theory. The alloy development segment included modeling of phase diagrams to predict glass forming compositions, computer simulation of flow to develop advanced forming methods, rheology measurement, and thorough characterization of the all program alloys through high-energy x-ray analysis. The mechanical characterization program consisted of studies of fracture, fatigue and determination of the appropriate flow laws (e.g., Mohr-Coulomb vs. von Mises), development of constitutive laws, and shear band formation. The third focus, computer simulation, covered length scales from molecular dynamics and first principle quantum mechanics through finite element analysis to describe shear band fbrmation under high strain rate loading.Several new glass-forming alloy systems were developed, including new Cu-based, Ni-based, and Ti-Zr-based Alloy Classes with "cm" casting thickness and a monolithic Ni-Pt-base bmg with Kic = 85 MPa-m/ 2 , These systems include Ni-Nb-Ta-Sn glasses with 3mm critical casting thickness, Ni-Ti-Zr-Al ductile glasses with 6mm critical casting thickness, new ductile Cubased alloys with 15mm critical casting thickness, and new Hf-Zr-Co-Al glasses with 12mm critical casting thickness and density of 11 grams/cm 3 . Lightweight amorphous alloys consisted of new Ti-based composites with densities of 4.5-5 g/cm 3 , strength exceeding 2 GPa, 2-cm casting thickness, high toughness and excellent ductility, and ductile magnesium alloys with 2-mm casting thickness. We also synthesized lightweight BMG foams and cellular structures with novel properties.Fundamental theory and computational models for rheological and mechanical behavior were established and validated. We have characterized the flow vs. temperature, strain rate, and 6 loading conditions, and developed empirical flow laws which accurately describe flow and deformation. These flow laws were incorporated into process models (Flow 3D, Femlab and Moldflow) and mechanical FEA models were developed to describe deformation of foams, plates in bending, and high strain-rate deformation. The theory is presently being used to predict, model and design practical materials for engineering performance.Major effort has focused on developing first thermodynamic descriptions of the 5 constituent quaternaries and then the quinary Al-Cu-Ni-Ti-Zr system. Preliminary results show alloys predicted by the model do indeed form bulk glasses. Thermodynamic descriptions of the constituent quatemaries of the six-component Al-Cu-Ni-Ti-Zr-Si system and then the description of this six-component system are being developed.A new microscopic theory of glasses and liquids was developed based on models of the potential energy landscape of a glass. This theory is based on empirical data, results of MD simulations, and analytic methods. The theory can predict thermal properties, liquid theology, and mechanical properties such as strength, toughness and ductility. This is a fundame...