The 9977 / 9978 General Purpose Fissile Package (GPFP), has been designed as a cost-effective, user-friendly replacement for the DOT 6M Specification Package for transporting Plutonium and Uranium metals and oxides. To ensure the capability of the 9977 GPFP to withstand the regulatory crush test, urethane foam was chosen for the impact absorbing overpack. As part of the package development it was necessary to confirm that the urethane foam overpack would provide the required protection for the containment vessel during the thermal test portion of the Hypothetical Accident Conditions Sequential Tests. Development tests of early prototypes were performed, using a furnace. Based on the results of the development tests, detailed design enhancements were incorporated into the final design. Examples of the definitive 9977 design configuration were subjected to an all-engulfing pool fire test, as part of the HAC Sequential Tests, to support the application for certification. Testing has confirmed the package's ability to withstand the HAC thermal tests.
INTRODUCTIONThe 9977 / 9978 GPFP has been designed as a replacement for DOT 6M Specification Packaging. As such, it must be able to transport the Plutonium and Uranium metals and oxides, meet the Type B performance requirements, and be economical to build and use. In order to enable the GPFP to withstand the Hypothetical Accident Condition (HAC) Crush Test, urethane foam was chosen for the impact absorbing overpack material. Finite element modeling (FEM) indicated that the rigid urethane foam-filled overpack employed by the GPFP design would be able to withstand the Crush Test.