isotherm measurement is a standard method for characterizing
porous materials. However, such isotherms are generally hysteretic,
differing between condensation and evaporation. Quantitative measurement
of pore diameter distributions requires proper identification of the
mechanisms at play, a topic which has been and remains the subject
of intensive studies. In this paper, we compare high-precision measurements
of condensation and evaporation of helium in Vycor, a prototypical
disordered porous glass, to a model incorporating mechanisms on the
single pore level through a semimacroscopic description and collective
effects through lattice simulations. Our experiment determines both
the average of the fluid density through volumetric measurements and
its spatial fluctuations through light scattering. We show that the
model consistently accounts for the temperature dependence of the
isotherm shape and of the optical signal over a wide temperature range
as well as for the existence of thermally activated relaxation effects.
This demonstrates that the evaporation mechanism evolves from pure
invasion percolation from the sample’s surfaces at the lowest
temperature to percolation from bulk cavitated sites at larger temperatures.
The model also shows that the experimental lack of optical signals
during condensation does not imply that condensation is unaffected
by network effects. In fact, these effects are strong enough to make
most pores to fill at their equilibrium pressure, a situation deeply
contrasting the behavior for isolated pores. This implies that, for
disordered porous materials, the classical Barrett–Joyner–Halenda
approach, when applied to the condensation branch using an extended
version of the Kelvin equation, should properly measure the true pore
diameter distribution. Our experimental results support this conclusion.