We have investigated the effect that dissipation may have on the cavitation process in normal liquid 3 He. Our results indicate that a rather small dissipation decreases sizeably the quantum-to-thermal crossover temperature T* for cavitation in normal liquid 3 He. This is a possible explanation of why recent experiments have not yet found clear evidence of quantum cavitation at temperatures below the T* predicted by calculations which neglect dissipation. ͓S0163-1829͑99͒00429-4͔Quantum cavitation in superfluid liquid 4 He has been unambiguously observed using ultrasound experimental techniques. 1,2 These experiments have shown that quantum cavitation takes over thermal cavitation at a temperature ͑T͒ around 200 mK, in good agreement with theoretical calculations, 3,4 so that the problem of cavitation in liquid 4 He can be considered as satisfactorily settled.The crossover temperature corresponding to 3 He has also been calculated, 3,4 predicting that T*ϳ120 mK. It turns out that preliminary results obtained in a recent experiment 5 have not shown clear evidence of quantum cavitation for temperatures even below that value. However, the phenomenon has been firmly established as a stochastic process. A possible explanation is that thermal cavitation is still the dominant process down to temperatures lower than predicted.The method of Ref. 4 ͑see also Ref. 6͒ is based, on the one hand, in using a density functional that reproduces the thermodynamical properties of liquid 3 He at zero temperature ͑equation of state, effective mass, etc.͒, as well as the properties of the 3 He free surface. A major advantage of using a density functional is that one can handle bubbles in the vicinity of the spinodal region, where they are not empty objects 3,4 and any attempt to describe the critical bubble in terms of a sharp surface radius fails. 7 On the other hand, we have used a functional-integral approach especially well suited to find T*. This gives us some confidence on the values obtained for the crossover temperature, and inclines us to think that any appreciable discrepancy between theory and experiment has to be attributed not to the method itself, but to some physical ingredient which has been overlooked in the formalism. One such ingredient in the case of liquid 3 He is dissipation, which is known 8 to decrease T*. Since 4 He is superfluid below the lambda temperature, we are actually treating both quantum fluids within the same framework, the behavior of 4 He being accounted for by the dissipationless version of the general formalism.Our starting point is the real time Lagrangian density L( ,s):where (r,t) denotes the particle density, m the 3 He atomic mass, and s(r,t) is the velocity potential, i.e., the collective velocity is u(r,t)ϭٌs(r,t). The Hamiltonian density H( ,s) readswhere ( ) is the grand potential density of the system and m is the density of the metastable homogeneous liquid. We refer the reader to Ref. 4 and references therein for details.To describe the dynamics in the dissipative regime while still b...