Metalation of anchored porphyrinsi se ssential for their functionality at hybrid interfaces.I nt his work, we have studiedt he anchoringa nd metalation of af unctionalized porphyrin derivative, 5-(4-carboxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin (MCTPP), on an atomically-definedC oO(100) film under ultrahigh vacuum(UHV) conditions.W ef ollow both the anchoring to the oxide surface and the self-metalation by surfaceC o 2 + ions via infrared reflection absorptions pectroscopy (IRAS). At 150 K, MCTPP multilayer films adsorb molecularly on CoO(100)w ithout anchoring to the surface. Upon heatingt o1 95 K, the first layer of porphyrin molecules anchors via formationof ab ridgings urface carboxylate. Above 460 K, the MCTPP multilayer desorbs and only the anchored monolayer resides on the surface up to temperatures of 600 Ka pproximately.T he orientation of anchored MCTPPd epends on the surface coverage. At low coverage, the MCTPP adopts an early flat-lyinggeometry,w hereas an upright standingfilm is formed near the multilayer coverage. Self-metalationo fM CTPP depends critically on the surface temperature, the coverage and on the molecular orientation. At 150 K, metalation is largely suppressed, while the degree of metalation increases with increasing temperature and reaches av alue of around 60 %i nt he first monolayer at 450 K. At lower coverage higherm etalation fractions (85 % and above)a re observed, similar as for increasing temperature.