TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
AbstractThe objective of the analytical simulator presented here is to predict the opposite and complex effects induced by the injected produced water temperature and formation damage on thermally fractured wells. The deposition of solid particles and oil droplets in a fracture and its effect on the Injectivity Index evolution of an injector is then simulated. The principle is to inject cooled waters like sea water for example during a certain period of time to enable the well to develop a thermal fracture. When the fracture is well established, the re-injection of hot produced waters starts. The model takes into account the effect of this new water temperature on the viscous flow and on the fracture shrinkage and closure. In the same time oil droplets and solid particles contained in produced water cause the damage of the reservoir. This tends to open and propagate the fracture under bottom pressure increase. In the simulator, the internal formation damage and the external filter cake deposition in the fracture occur simultaneously. Two internal formation damage deposition models are taken into account. In a first model the internal damage is supposed to be linear and occurring from the fracture faces to the reservoir. In a second model, despite the growth of the fracture, the internal damage is supposed to be radial and occurring from the wall of the well to the reservoir. Also, two exeternal filter cake deposition models are considered: the filter cake deposits only at the fracture tip or on fracture faces. Theoretical field cases were considered in the simulations. The different internal formation damage and filter cake models were combined together to reproduce the injectivity index evolution observed on real fileds. The example presented are chosen to show that, contrarily to common thinkings, the II evolution can be dominated, in certain circumstances, by the internal damage rather then by the external filter cake deposition. With the present choice of data, the II evolution which matches better the commonly observed field reponses is obtained when the internal damage occurs in radial flow whatever the model deposition of the external filter cake is.