Institute f Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR, Commutation Effect in the Magneto-Thermopower of BiO. 88Sb0. -12 Alloy BY P.P. BODIUL, M.P. BOIKO, D.V. GITSU, andN.A. REDKO Kishinev il In anisotropic materials under certain conditions a commutation effect (a dependence of thermomagnetic kinetic coefficients on the change of the magnetic field direction) may occur, For the first time the commutation effect (CE) was observed in bismuth i n /I/, and then studied in detail in /2 to 6/. The main points of /1 to 6/ are: 1) CE depends on the peculiarities of the band structure; 2) the sign and value of CE is affected by those of the axis slope angle of isoenergetic ellipsoids with respect to the crystal basis surface; 3) CE can be experimentally.observed only if there a r e two groups of c a r r i e r s with entirely different isoenergetic surfaces. According to the last conclusion it was supposed that CE in antimony-bismuth alloy (on the Bi side) exists only in the compositions with overlapping L and T extrema /2/. In the present note the commutation effect in the magneto-thermopower of BiO. 88Sb0, 12 semiconductor alloy is described for the first time.