The increasingly severe energy and environmental problems make the transformation of the world's energy structure imminent. Energy production and consumption according to local conditions, technology research and improvement of advanced energy power systems with complementary multi-energy and system integration innovation are the current key research and improvement directions. Combining the energy properties of solar energy and biomass, thermochemical complementary utilization is an efficient and stable complementary utilization method, that is, using concentrated solar thermal energy to provide the heat required for biomass gasification to generate hydrogen-rich gas fuel. The research purpose of this paper is based on the theory of sustainable improvement, the complementary utilization of solar energy and biomass energy, and the research on the cogeneration system of cooling, heating and power. The electrical load rate and solar radiation intensity. In this paper, solar energy and biomass energy are combined, and a combined cooling, heating and power supply system based on solar energy and biomass energy is proposed, which provides some new ideas for promoting the rational conversion of my country's energy structure.