The turbine component of a gas turbine engine is frequently subjected to extreme operation conditions associated with significant changes in mass flow, turbine inlet temperature, pressure and rotational speed. These off-design operation conditions significantly affect the flow deflection within the turbine stage, which consists of individual stator and rotor rows. As a result, the stage parameters representing the velocity diagram will change and affect the efficiency and performance of the stage and, thus, the turbine. A row-by-row calculation method is presented for predicting the performance behavior of turbines under extreme off-design conditions. The method is applied to a multistage turbine for which the off-design performance is calculated and compared with the measurement.
Nomenclature b= blade height D = diameter /z, H = specific static, total enthalpy L = stage power l m = stage specific mechanical energy ra = mass flow /?, P = static, total pressure r = degree of reaction T.= temperature (7, V, W = velocity vectors a = absolute flow angle j8 = relative flow angle y = cascade parameter £ = loss coefficient r) == row efficiency A = stage load coefficient f4 = ratio of meridional velocities v = ratio of circumferential velocities £ = auxiliary function p = density $ = stage flow coefficient X, ¥ = dimensionless isentropic enthalpy coefficients o>, £1 = turbine angular velocity, angular velocity ratio Subscripts D = dissipation m = mechanical energy, mean m, u = meridional, circumferential direction P, 5, C = primary, secondary, clearance (losses) s = isentropic w = windmilling 1, 2, 3 = stations shown in Fig. 1