This paper reports a study of resonant dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to the phenol, chlorobenzene, p-, m-, and o-chlorophenol molecules. On the basis of spectroscopic and thermochemical approaches the resonant states of the molecular negative ions (NIs) and the structures of some dissociative decay products are assigned. In the electron energy range up to 3 eV, DEA processes are determined by the two 2[pi*]-shape resonances resulting mainly in formation of [M-H]- and/or Cl- ions. At higher electron energies the energy correlation between peaks in the negative ion effective yield curves and bands of UV spectra allowed identification of the core-excited resonances. The peculiarities of Cl- ion formation and the vibrational fine structure on the effective yield curves of the [M-H]- ions are discussed. The mass spectrometric procedures for measurement of relative cross sections for NI formation are described.