A dual-level direct dynamics method is employed to reveal the dynamical properties of the reaction of CHF 2 CF 2 OCH 3 (HFE-254pc) with Cl atoms. The optimized geometries and frequencies of the stationary points and the minimum energy path (MEP) are calculated at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level by using GAUSSIAN 98 program package, and energetic information is further refined by the G3(MP2) method. Two H-abstraction channels have been identified. For the reactant CHF 2 CF 2 OCH 3 and the two products, CHF 2 CF 2 OCH 2 and CF 2 CF 2 OCH 3 , the standard enthalpies of formation are evaluated with the values of −256.71 ± 0.88, −207.79 ± 0.12, and −233.43 ± 0.88 kcal/mol, respectively, via group-balanced isodesmic reactions. The rate constants of the two reaction channels are evaluated by means of canonical variational transition-state theory (CVT) including the small-curvature tunneling (SCT) correction over a wide range of temperature from 200 to 2000 K. The calculated rate constants agree well with the experimental data, and the Arrhenius expressions for the title reaction are fitted and can be expressed as k 1 = 9.22 × 10 −19 T 2.06 exp(219/T), k 2 = 4.45 × 10 −14 T 0.90 exp(−2220/T ), and k = 4.71 × 10 −22 T 3.20 ) exp(543/T) cm 3 molecule −1 s −1 . Our results indicate that H-abstraction from CH 3 group is the main reaction pathway in the lower temperature range, while Habstraction from CHF 2 group becomes more competitive in the higher temperature range.