The potency of atracurium was determined in neonates, infants and children during thiopentone-fentanyl-nitrous oxide in oxygen anaesthesia using single dose-response curves. The effective doses producing 50% depression of the first twitch of the train-of-four were significantly lower in neonates and infants than in children (82 and 112 v. 135 micrograms kg-1). Following a standard dose of atracurium 0.5 mg kg-1, 95% depression of the first twitch occurred more rapidly in neonates than in children (0.9 v. 1.4 min), while recovery to 10% of the control twitch height occurred more rapidly in neonates than in the other two groups (22.7 v. 29.7 and 28.6 min). It is concluded that neonates and infants require less atracurium to produce a given degree of neuromuscular blockade compared with older children. However, prompt recovery can be expected in all healthy paediatric patients following a standard intubating dose of atracurium 0.5 mg kg-1.