Using Daqing natural sand packed tubular model and natural core, the injection rate is 1m/d and the experiment temperature is 45℃, studying binary system and ternary system interfacial tension changes of the produced liquid after betaine-polymer binary system and weak alkali-mahogany sulfonate-polymer dynamic absorb to the natural core and sand packed tubular model with oil or without oil by using TX-500 interfacial tensiometer. The results show that: The adsorption migration law of binary system and ternary system in the natural core is consistent with the natural sand packed tubular model, the surfactant front often shows the characteristics of piston propulsion. The interfacial tension of the natural sand packed tubular model without residual oil is relatively stable, and the interfacial tension of the natural sand packed tubular model with residual oil fluctuates up and down. In the a natural sand packed tubular models without oil and natural cores, the adsorption capacity of betaine binary system is 5.4 and 6.5 times than mahogany sulfonate ternary system respectively, in the a natural sand packed tubular models with oil, the adsorption capacity of betaine binary system is 1.3 times than mahogany sulfonate ternary system. Agreement interfacial tension of binary or ternary flooding system-crude oil in the reservoir is not all in the original ultra-low, but depend on the emulsification of ultra-low interfacial tension within a radius of injection well and synergy with other components can effectively improve the oil recovery.