The paper presents a detailed analysis of the MX-type interstitial phase precipitation process and a thermodynamic analysis of the Ti x V 1-x C y N 1-y carbonitride precipitation in austenite. The subject of research analysis was the newly developed HSLA-type steel containing 0.175% C, 1.02% Si, 1.87% Mn, 0.0064% N, 0.22% Mo, and microadditions 0.022% V and 0.031% Ti. Analysis of the process of precipitation of MX interstitial phases under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions proved that the fi rst phase that precipitates in the austenite of the tested steel is TiN-type nitride. The onset temperature of this phase was 1450 °C. Subsequently, carbides of the TiC-type, VN-type nitrides and VC-type carbides, for which the precipitation onset temperatures were 1180 °C, 870 °C and 775 °C will be released, respectively. The analysis of the precipitation process of the complex carbonitride in austenite under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions was based on the Hillert and Staff ansson model, developed by Adrian, with the use of the CarbNit computer program. The beginning of carbonitride precipitation with the stoichiometric composition Ti 0.985 V 0.015 C 0.073 N 0.927 occurred at the temperature of 1394 °C. At 850 °C practically all of the Ti is bound in the carbonitride of the stoichiometric composition Ti 0.883 V 0.117 C 0.378 N 0.622 . At the same temperature, a signifi cant part of microaddition V will be dissolved in austenite, which means that vanadium will have a lesser eff ect on the formation of a fi ne-grained austenite structure, but more strongly on the precipitation hardening of steel by the dispersion VN and V particles (C, N) released during the cooling of the products.