In the present paper there are presented results concerning comparative corrosion
resistance of some austenitic stainless steels, with or without silicon content. The silicon content is
varying in the range of 1-5 %, in a matrix of alloyed austenite, containing 20% Cr and 15-18%Ni
and with very low carbon contents (lower than 0,03% C). There are investigated different types of
corrosion resistance: intergranular corrosion in nitrogen media, stress corrosion resistance in
chloride media, and transpassive behaviour in sulphuric media. The testing media contained
nitrogen, as it follows: Huey test (65% HNO3, at boiling temperature, 244 hours maintain), and 5N
HNO3 +1g/l Cr6+ (144 h, at boiling temperature). The media containing chloride is 45% MgCl2 at
boiling temperature, with a period of 1000 hours. The transpassive behaviour is tested in 10%
HSO4. The investigations were made by optic and electronic microscope, and the corroded surfaces
were examined by scanning electron microscopy.