ABSTRACT:In order to estimate equilibrium chain rigidity, literature data for 12 systems of cellulose and its derivatives and solvents were analyzed on the basis of a wormlike chain model. The persistence length q was calculated by four methods. The q values at the unperturbed state agreed closely with those derived using the pearl necklace model. The q values evaluated by the Yamakawa-Fujii (YF) theory were smaller than those obtained by the Benoit-Doty equation (q80); this discrepancy was considered due to the neglect of the partially free draining effect in the YF theory. With increasing solvent polarity, the polymer chain becomes stiffer owing to an increase in solvent-polymer interaction. Most of for cellulose derivatives were in the range between 3 x 10-7 and 8 x 10-7 em, except that for cellulose nitrate. Cellulose and its derivatives may be considered semifiexible.KEY A number of studies have been carried out on the dilute solution properties of cellulose and its derivatives. In these studies, the molecular parameters of the polymers have been mainly estimated using the pearl necklace model. Kamide and Miyazaki 1 concluded from a systematic analysis of experimental data that the conformation parameter a for cellulose and its derivatives lies between 2.8-7.5 and that the characteristic ratio C 00 is in the range 19-115. These unexpectedly large values of a and Coo suggest that the molecules of cellulose and cellulose derivatives behave as a semiflexible or inflexible chain. For extremely inflexible polymers, analysis of dilute solution properties by the pearl necklace model becomes theoretically inadequate. Thus, the applicability of this model to cellulose and its derivatives in solution should be carefully examined.The wormlike chain was first proposed by Kratky and Porod 2 as a model for chain molecules with large equilibrium rigidity, which is conventionally expressed in terms of the persistence length q. The relationship between q and root mean-square radius of gyration