1-(2-Hydoxyethyl)-piperidine (1-(2HE)-PP) is a new tertiary amine with desirable properties and can be potentially used to formulate superior absorbents for CO 2 capture. The equilibrium CO 2 solubility of 1-(2HE)-PP solution is measured over temperatures from 298 to 333 K, CO 2 partial pressures from 8.1 to 101.3 kPa and initial amine concentrations from 1 to 5 M. Two thermodynamic models, namely semiempirical model and activity coefficient model are developed for the system. The activity coefficient model shows better estimation solubility with an absolute average relative deviation (AARD) of 7.6%. In the comparison between the two models, a comprehensive analysis is presented. Some suggestions are provided for the similar model development. In addition, the speciation plot of CO 2 loaded 1-(2HE)-PP solution is predicted based on the activity coefficient model. The predictive pH values agree well with experimental data with AARD of 1.0%. Finally, the potential of 1-(2-HE)PP to be an alternative amine in CO 2 capture is evaluated. K E Y W O R D S 1-(2-hydoxyethyl)-piperidine, CO 2 capture, equilibrium CO 2 solubility, speciation, thermodynamic model 1 | INTRODUCTION Excessive CO 2 emission from the combustion of fossil fuel has to be controlled due to global warming and climate change. However, fuel energy is still an important part of worldwide energy structure in the short and medium term. It requires a feasible technology to capture CO 2 from coal-fired power plants. Post-combustion capture of CO 2 (PCC) using amine solution is recognized to be one of the most viable technologies to reduce anthropogenic CO 2 emission in the visible future. 1,2