Inclusion of dissipation and memory mechanisms, non-classical elasticity and thermal effects in the currently used plate/shell mathematical models require that we establish if these mathematical models can be derived using the conservation and balance laws of continuum mechanics in conjunction with the corresponding kinematic assumptions. This is referred to as thermodynamic consistency of the mathematical models. Thermodynamic consistency ensures thermodynamic equilibrium during the evolution of the deformation. When the mathematical models are thermodynamically consistent, the second law of thermodynamics facilitates consistent derivations of constitutive theories in the presence of dissipation and memory mechanisms. This is the main motivation for the work presented in this paper. In the currently used mathematical models for plates/shells based on the assumed kinematic relations, energy functional is constructed over the volume consisting of kinetic energy, strain energy and the potential energy of the loads. The Euler's equations derived from the first variation of the energy functional for arbitrary length when set to zero yield the mathematical model(s) for the deforming plates/shells. Alternatively, principle of virtual work can also be used to derive the same mathematical model(s). For linear elastic reversible deformation physics with small deformation and small strain, these two approaches, based on energy functional and the principle of virtual work, yield the same mathematical models. These mathematical models hold for reversible mechanical deformation. In this paper, we examine whether the currently used plate/shell mathematical models with the corresponding kinematic as