An experimental and theoretical study of the structure and aggregation of diphenylguanidine (DPhG) in nonpolar and low-polarity solvents (CCI,, c6H6, C2HCI, and CHCIJ was performed. Dipole moments, IR spectra and average molecular weight measurements as a function of concentration demonstrate that DPhG is strongly associated in the solvents studied. The dimerization constant in CCI, is 192 i 7 dm'mol-I. Experimental results and a theoretical discussion on the basis of MNDO-PM3 and -AM1 methods show that in low-polarity solvents DPhG exists in the form of an asymmetric tautomer, the same as was found in the solid-state structure.
INTRODUCTIONThe structure, thermodynamic and spectroscopic characteristics of hydrogen-bonded complexes, formed by molecules possessing a few functional atoms or atomic groups able to enter into intermolecular interaction, are defined by the peculiarities of their electronic and molecular structures. It has been demonstrated that compounds such as pyrazoles, aiazenes and amidinesl-' form open associates with the linear H-bond and also cyclic structures with several H-bonds, where the NH group plays a role of a proton donor and the basic nitrogen atom is a proton acceptor.