The internal structure of the superconducting state in Sr2RuO4 remains elusive at present, and exhibits evidence for time-reversal symmetry breaking. Recent muon spin relaxation measurements under uniaxial strain have revealed an increasing splitting between the superconducting critical temperature Tc and the onset of time-reversal symmetry breaking TTRSB with applied strain [Grinenko et al., ArXiv:2001.08152]. In addition, static magnetic order is induced by the uniaxial strain beyond ∼1 GPa, indicating that unstrained Sr2RuO4 is close to a magnetic quantum critical point. Here, we perform a theoretical study of the magnetic susceptibility and the associated pairing structure as a function of uniaxial strain. It is found that the recent muon relaxation data can be qualitatively explained from the perspective of spin-fluctuation mediated pairing and the associated strain-dependence of accidentally degenerate pair states in unstrained Sr2RuO4. In addition, while unstrained Sr2RuO4 features mainly (2π/3, 2π/3) magnetic fluctuations, uniaxial strain promotes (π, ±π/2) magnetism.