The thermoelectric power of ZrH 0.8 in the (␣ ϩ ␦) coexisting phase state and TiH 0.2 in the (␣ ϩ ) coexisting phase state was estimated as 0.39 and 0.20 mV K Ϫ1 , respectively, in a LiCl-KCl eutectic melt containing 1.0 mol % hydride ion (H Ϫ ) at 673-773 K. Using the standard formal potentials of H 2 /H Ϫ in this temperature range, the thermoelectric powers of many kinds of metal hydrides were estimated from the reported data of equilibrium hydrogen pressure-temperature relations. Using these results, the feasibility of the M-H-type thermogalvanic cell, which uses electrochemical reactions between hydrogen-absorbing metals and hydride ion in molten salts, is discussed.Many human activities produce enormous amounts of residual energy as heat. However, a major portion of the heat energy is wasted due to the lack of appropriate utilizing methods. The current issues on energy and the environment require the effective utilization of such wasted heat. One promising method for the effective use of such heat is direct conversion of thermal to electrical energy by a thermogalvanic cell. 1 Figure 1A shows the principle of the thermogalvanic cell in aqueous solutions. To develop efficient thermogalvanic cells, many researchers have investigated the thermoelectric powers of many redox couples, such as Fe 3ϩ /Fe 2ϩ , ͓Fe(CN) 6 ͔ 3Ϫ /͓Fe(CN) 6 ͔ 4Ϫ , and Br 2 /Br Ϫ . 2-4 Although a significantly large value, ϳ2.3 mV K Ϫ1 , 4 has been reported, the temperature difference between the anode and cathode is limited to less than 100 K, and a large electromotive force ͑emf͒ cannot be produced when using aqueous solutions as the electrolyte.From this background, the authors have investigated an M-Htype thermogalvanic cell that uses the electrochemical reaction between metal hydride (MH x ) and hydride ion (H Ϫ ) in molten alkalimetal halide melts. Because the hydride ion can stably exist in the melts from 500 to 900 K, 5-10 one can utilize considerably larger temperature differences than 100 K. The principle of the thermogalvanic cell is shown in Fig. 1B. When a LiCl-KCl eutectic melt is chosen as a model electrolyte, this cell is expressed as ͑ T ͒M-H͉LiCl-KCl,LiH͉M-H͑ T ϩ ⌬T ͒ ͓1͔When 1 F of electricity is passed through this cell system, the metal hydride anode absorbs hydrogen according toOn the cathode, electrochemical hydrogen desorption from the metal hydride electrode occursBy using the metal hydride electrodes in coexisting two-phase regions, a large, stable emf should be obtained during the cell operation. In this study, (␣ ϩ ␦) ZrH 0.8 and (␣ ϩ ) TiH 0.2 were selected as the model metal hydride electrodes, and their thermoelectric powers were measured in the LiCl-KCl eutectic melt containing H Ϫ ion at 673-773 K. From the obtained results, the feasibility of the M-H-type thermogalvanic cell is discussed.
ExperimentalElectrochemical investigations.- Figure 2 shows a schematic drawing of the experimental apparatus for electrochemical measurements. Reagent grade LiCl ͑Wako Pure Chemical Co., Ltd., 99.0%͒ and KCl ͑Wako Pure...