The In-Pt-Sb system is modeled using the CALPHAD technique. The solutionp hases (liquid, fcc(Pt), rhom(Sb) and tetra(In)) are described as substitutional solution. The enthalpies of formationo ft he intermetallic compounds, Pt 7 Sb, Pt 3 Sb,Pt 3 Sb 2 ,PtSb, PtSb 2 are calculated usingfirstprinciples calculations. In the In-Pt-Sb system,t he compounds In 3 Pt 2 ,In 2 Pt,In 7 Pt 3 in the In-Pt binary system and the compounds PtSb 2 and PtSb in the Pt-Sbbinary system are treated as linecompounds (In,Sb) m Pt n accordingtoexperimental solid solubility of the third component. The compound In 5 Pt 6 is treated as (In,Pt,Sb) 5 (In,Pt) 6 based on its thermodynamic model in the In-Pt system and experimental solid solubility of Sb in the In-Pt-Sb system.T he thermodynamic model of compound InPt 3 keepst he order-disorder transition model with fcc(Pt) solid solution which was used in the In-Pt binary system,a nd is treated as (In,Pt,Sb) 0.25 (In,Pt,Sb) 0.75 .Other compounds InPt, In 9 Pt 13 , a In 2 Pt 3 , b In 2 Pt 3 ,InPt 2 and InSb in the In-Pt-Sb system keep the same thermodynamic models as those in binary systems. Based on the published experimental isothermal sections, vertical sections and the liquidus surface projection, the In-Pt-Sb system is modeled, and aset of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters is obtained.