Experimentalstudyof the phasee quilibria of the Ni-Zrs ystemThe eutecticreaction between the NiZrand NiZr 2 compoundsin the Ni-Zrbinary phased iagramwasevaluated according tothe previous experimentalm easurements and thermodynamicc alculations.Adiscrepancybetween the calculationsand the measurements exists.Inordertodetermine definitelyt hiseutectictemperature,N i-Zralloys of the compositions65,68,72 and 74wt.% Zrwereprepared bymelting in anarcfurnaceunderapurified argonatmosphere. The phasetransformationtemperaturewasmeasured byDifferentialScanning Calorimetry using bothaluminaa nd zirconiac rucibles.Atheating ratesof 5,10and 20 Kmin -1 ,the eutectictemperaturebetween the NiZr and NiZr 2 compoundsw asdetermined consistentlyt obe 1022 ±58 C.Zirconiac ruciblescanbeused in Differential ScanningCalorimetry measurements of zirconium-containing alloys but onlybelow1170 8 C.