Transport of charges is a fundamental process in many high-tech applications including photovoltaic or optoelectronic devices, but also in more ordinary components such as unsophisticated wires and other circuitry. The development of nanotechnologies resulted in the fabrication of highly complex materials consisting of a large variety of nanosized elements, which inevitably involve a multitude of charge transport processes occurring on various time-and length-scales. Figure 1 summarizes the most common nanoelements with high application potential.For example, the electrodes employed in Grätzel solar cells [1] are composed of percolated networks of a huge number of metal oxide nanoparticles (top-left panel in Figure 1). Colloidal nanocrystals form the basis for thin film electronics and flexible electronic devices. [2] The synthetic approaches control their composition, size and electronic structure (energy levels, density of states within the bands and in the bandgap) and the charge-carrier transport. [2,3] Nanowires and nanotubes made of conventional semiconductors are quasi 1D systems combining Terahertz spectroscopy has been used for almost two decades for investigations of nanomaterials, including nanocrystals, nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes or 2D crystals. Its great importance stems from the fact that it is a noncontact method and, owing to its high frequency and broadband character, it is capable of characterizing charge transport properties within individual nano-objects but also among them. In addition, probing of photoinitiated ultrafast charge dynamics is possible thanks to the sub-picosecond time resolution. Despite this unprecedented potential, the interpretation of the measured terahertz conductivity spectra in many materials is still intensively debated. Herein is presented a review of the experiments performed on nanostructures of conventional semiconductors and on carbon nanomaterials (graphene and carbon nanotubes) during the past decade. The state of the art of the theoretical formalism is provided and discussed, including the intrinsic response, as well as the role of inherent heterogeneity and of the experimental conditions.