Soil water potential is a cornerstone in defining the thermodynamic state of soil water required to quantify phenomena such as water phase change, water movement, heat transfer, electric current, chemical transport, and mechanical stress and deformation in the earth's shallow subsurface environment. This potential has historically been conceptualized as free energy stored in a until volume of soil water. Though the concept of soil water potential has been evolving over the past 120 yr, a consensual definition is still lacking, and answers to some fundamental questions remain controversial and elusive. What are the origins and mechanisms for the free energy of soil water? Can the common mathematical expression of soil water potential as superposition of gravitational, osmotic, and matric potentials be used to define water phase transitions in soil? Are these major components of soil water potential independent or coupled? Is pore water pressure always tensile under unsaturated conditions? If so, how can soil water density be as high as 1.7 g cm −3 ? How do adsorptive soilwater interactions originating from the electromagnetic field around and within soil particles transfer to mechanical pore pressure? In this review, the authors (a) provide critical analysis of historical definitions of soil water potential to identify their strengths, limitations, and flaws; (b) synthesize the origins of electromagnetic energies in soil to clarify the fundamental differences between adsorptive and capillary soil water potential mechanisms; (c) introduce a recently emerging concept of soil matric potential that unifies contributions of adsorption and capillarity to soil water potential; and (d) illustrate the generality and promise of the unified definition of soil water potential for answering some of the fundamental questions that remain elusive to the hydrology, geoengineering, and geoscience communities.