Chromatography experiments and pressure-composition isotherm measurements were carried out on the vanadium-hydrogen system in order to obtain an understanding of the equilibrium and kinetic factors affecting hydrogen isotope exchange. Analysis of the results yielded values of the hydrogen equilibrium distribution coefficient, the tritium-protium separation factor, the rate of the gas-solid exchange reaction, and the axial dispersion coefficient.
SCOPEHydrogen isotope separations of current technical interest include deuterium enrichment for heavy water production and removal of tritium from nuclear industry effluents. Insofar as isotopic composition is concerned, feed streams for these processes consist mainly of the light isotope, protium, with a trace amount of a heavy isotope, deuterium, or tritium. A solid sorbent useful for concentrating the heavy isotope should preferentially take up that isotope.A gas-solid system having this property is the vanadiumhydrogen system. In contrast to most metal hydride systems, the deuteride and tritide are more stable than the protide in the vanadium system. This paper presents a study of the equilibrium and kinetic properties of isotope exchange in the HT-H2-vanadium hydride system. The object of the investigation was to obtain an understanding of the factors affecting isotope exchange which are useful in isotope separation process design and analysis. Equilibrium and rate data were obtained from chromatography experiments conducted on the HT-H2-vanadium hydride system and from measurements of hydrogen-vanadium pressure-composition isotherms.
CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCEPressure-composition isotherms for the hydrogenvanadium system were determined over the composition range VH-o,6 to VHW1,*. The data in the VH-o.6 region at high temperatures were in good agreement with a correlation of Veleckis and Edwards (1969) which was based on the assumption that hydrogen was in simple interstitial solution in the metal lattice.Chromatography experiments on the HT-H2-V system were conducted in the VII-o,6 region and were interpreted in terms of a model of mass transfer and reaction. Data from these experiments were used in combination with the pressure-composition data to derive the tritium-protium separation factor, the magnitude as well as the temperature and pressure dependence of the gas-solid interfacial exchange rate, and the axial dispersion coefficient. The separation factor decreased approximately linearly with temperature from a value of 1.20 at 4OoC to 1.06 at 300°C.No discontinuity was found at the a-p phase boundary.As expected, the separation factor did not vary with pressure. The interfacial exchange reaction was found to be the rate limiting step in the overall exchange process, being slow compared to mass transfer external to the hydride particles and to diffusion within the particles. The pressure and temperature dependence of the exchange rate was characteristic of mechanisms involving activated chemisorption of hydrogen. Values of the axial dispersion coefficient w...