phases that can be found such as ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, superparamagnetic, cluster glass, SG and RSG depending on stoichiometry, microstructure, degree of dilution, atomic disorder, magnetic field and temperature. Typical Ising spin glass systems like those based on FeAl [6,7,9,20] and FeMnAl [11,12,15] are good candidates to study SG and RSG related properties through Isingbased theoretical models where good agreement with experimental results has been achieved. In particular, pure SG and RSG behaviors, in ternary FeMnAl alloys, arise from several ingredients including random atomic distribution of the alloy constituent elements in the crystalline structure, dilution provided by Al atoms giving rise to bond randomness and, finally, competition among the different exchange integrals involved. On this last respect, competition is given, essentially, by the difference