The Solid-Vapor-Liquid-Solid (SVLS) process is a fundamental mechanism for the growth of nanowires. In this article, experimental observations and assessment of thermodynamic data have been used to explain the Solid-Vapor-Liquid-Solid (SVLS) mechanism for the growth of silicon-based nanowires. The binary phase diagram of nanoparticle (Au-Si) systems has been evaluated from information on Gibbs energy of the bulk and surface tension of the liquid phase. At 1100°C, temperature commonly used for the growth of nanowires by the SVLS mechanism, it has been shown that the nanometric decreases the melting point of pure Au and Si and more generally the liquidus temperatures. Moreover, the liquid phase region in the binary Au-Si phase diagram is enlarged as the particle size becomes smaller. The presence of SiO in the gaseous phase is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the formation of nanowires. The nanowiresÕgrowth cannot be explained by the modification of the Au-Si phase diagram with the size of the particles, neither by the presence of SiO, but by the existence of a metastable equilibrium involving the silicon of the wafer, the deposit of vitreous silica and supersaturated SiO in the gaseous phase.