Pressure-balanced external Ag/AgCl reference electrodes have been extensively used for corrosion monitoring in both pressurized water reactor and boiling water reactor environments. In order to prolong the electrode lifetime, pure water is often employed as the electrode filling solution. Characterization of the potential of the water-filled external Ag/AgCl reference electrode was performed by estimating a thermal liquid junction potential ͑TLJP͒ originating from the thermal diffusion of ionic species in the filling solution. The potential of the thermoelectrochemical cell, Ag/AgCl vs. that of the standard hydrogen electrode at temperature T, was expressed as the sum of the isothermal potentials and TLJP. The TLJP was analyzed for the Soret steady state based on irreversible thermodynamics by calculating the heat of transport after Agar et al's theory and estimating the limiting ionic conductance from Quist et al's work. Calculated potential of the water-filled external reference electrode was compared with experimental data, showing a qualitative agreement.Corrosion of structural materials in high temperature has continued to impact the reliability and economy of electric power generating systems including pressurized water and boiling water reactors, PWRs and BWRs, respectively. Due to extensive past research, it is now possible to predict the corrosion behavior of structural metals as a function of electrochemical corrosion potential ͑ECP͒ and pH. 1 For condition monitoring and life management of the hightemperature components such as steam generators of the PWR, reliable reference electrodes are required.The role of the reference electrode is to measure the potential of the object electrode with stability and traceability to a known standard. The Ag/AgCl reference electrode is a well-defined, widely used, and very reliable electrode for high-temperature applications, 2-10 but in a reducing environment at high temperature, especially when the AgCl surface is not well protected, the decomposition rate of AgCl is very high. 8 To solve this problem, the external reference electrode of which the AgCl part was maintained at ambient temperature was developed. Pressure-balanced external Ag/ AgCl electrodes have been extensively used for both PWR and BWR environments. 8,9 The use of a KCl-based buffer solution often becomes the source of electrode potential drift due to the slow leakage of chloride ions through its porous plug, typically made of zirconia. In order to overcome this problem, pure water is often employed as the electrode-filling solution to prolong electrode lifetime. In this case the concentration of the chloride ions in the filling solution is maintained at the solubility of AgCl in pure water.But there may be some disadvantages in using pure water as the electrode filling solution, such as very high impedance, which may contribute to a noise susceptibility ͑if the electrode were to be used as a potentiostatic circuit for potential control͒ and extreme vulnerability to the purity of the materials used...