U si ng the exact decompositio n of the sc lattice into a set of inte racting dimers (each dimer is descri bed by the extended H ubbard H amiltonian ) and exact solution of the dimer problem (preceding paper) we exactly Ùnd the form of the extended H ubbard mo del in the case of a crystal in the large U limit . We apply a new , nonp erturba ti v e approach based on the exact pro j ection pro cedure onto a dimer subspace occupied by electrons in this limit (it is the only assumption). T he resulting H amiltonia n is very complicated and contains a v ariety of multiple magnetic and nonmagneti c interactions deeply hidden in its original form (site representation). W e also present a simpliÙe d version of the mo del to better visuali ze a mixture of di˜erent interactions resulting from this approach. PAC S numb ers: 71.10.{w , 71. 10. Ca, 71. 10. Fd
I n t r o d u ct io nThe tendency of electro ns to a voi d each other i s very well kno wn i n the theory of stro n gl y correl ated el ectro n system s (see e.g. R efs. [1, 2] f or a revi ew). Thi s tendency , i denti fyi ng in thi s way stro ngl y correl ated system s, can be expressed by the condi ti on U ƒ W ( U | i ntra site Coul om b repul sion, W | ba nd wi dth of the conducti on ba nd). In the l i mi t U ƒ W (l arg e U l i m it) the second-order p erturba ti on theo ry appl i ed to such system s l eads to the well -known t À J m odel Ê corr esp on din g au t h o r; e-m ail : m at l ak@serve r.p hy s.us.edu . pl ( 549)