Temperature-programmed simulation experiments of saturated hydrocarbons with calcium sulfate and element sulfur were compared in this study. Based on the variation analysis of the yields and evolvement features of gaseous hydrocarbon (C 1 -C 5 ) and inorganic gaseous CO 2 , H 2 and H 2 S, the reaction mechanisms were analyzed and discussed. In the calcium sulfate-saturated hydrocarbon system, H 2 S was produced by a small quantity, which indicates this reaction belongs to the low-degreed thermal sulfate reduction (TSR) and is featured of self-pyrolysis. In the sulfur-saturated hydrocarbon system, the heated sulfur becomes sulfur radical, which has strong catalysis capability and can fasten the cracking of C-H bond in the alkyl group in the saturated hydrocarbons. As a result, the cracking of C-H bond leads to the yields enhancement of CO 2 and H 2 , and at the same time, H 2 S was produced since the cracked hydrogen can be instantly combined with sulfur radical. Therefore, this reaction in the sulfur-hydrocarbon system belongs to the catalysis of sulfur radical. Furthermore, the promoted pyrolysis effects of C 6+ hydrocarbons by sulfur radical in the low-temperature stage in the sulfur-hydrocarbon system, together with the consumption effects of gaseous hydrocarbon in the high-temperature stage in the calcium-hydrocarbon system, result in the crossed phenomenon of the gaseous hydrocarbon yields curves. calcium sulfate, sulfur, gaseous hydrocarbon yields, H 2 S, TSR, sulfur radical H 2 S with properties of high corrosion and toxicity plays a hugely harmful role in the hydrocarbon exploration and development. Worldwide, H 2 S widely exists in the natural gas reservoirs and its concentration can reach up to 90% [1] . It is widely accepted that TSR is the direct cause for the high H 2 S content [1][2][3][4] . According to previous studies, the presence of sulfur can obviously enhance the TSR rate [5,6] . Many organic compounds from kerogen, crude oil, asphaltene, gaseous hydrocarbon, and dissolved gaseous hydrocarbons were believed to be the organic reduction agent, while some sulfates, for example, gypsum and anhydrite widely occurring in some geological conditions, are thought to be oxidation agent that occurred in the sub-terranean TSR reaction [7] .Despite many geological case studies [8][9][10][11][12] , only a few simulation experiments were reported. The simulation experiments performed in the foreign countries were mainly by sulphate and pure organic matter in aqueous solution, whereas more simulation experiments between solid sulphate and gaseous hydrocarbon under anhydrous conditions [13][14][15] were undertaken in China. Basically, a few reports were involved in the reaction be-