“…Although there is considerable overlap with the slop16.dat update for SUPCRT92 (Shock, 2016), OBIGT uses different data sources for aqueous Al species (Tagirov and Schott, 2001), As species (Nordstrom and Archer, 2003), Au, Ag, and Cu species Zotov, 2001, 2010), Pd species (Tagirov et al, 2013), Zn species (Akinfiev and Tagirov, 2014), and Pt species (Tagirov et al, 2015). Other notable differences are the inclusion of goethite, other Fe-oxyhydroxides, and evaporite minerals (Majzlan et al, 2003;Grevel and Majzlan, 2009), aqueous phenanthrene and methylphenanthrene isomers , experimentally derived HKF parameters for aqueous adenine (Lowe et al, 2017), and all of the organic compounds reported by Helgeson et al (1998) and Richard and Helgeson (1998).…”