. Can. J. Chem. 62, 1265Chem. 62, (1984.Reaction of solvated electrons with nitrobenzene, N, is nearly diffusion controlled in both pure solvents; kN -10"'dm3/mol s. The value of kN is approximately proportional to the inverse viscosity -r-' in the pure solvents, and in the mixed solvents at different temperatures. However, on going from zero to 74 mol% water at the same temperature kN is independent of the 40% increase of -q. Electron diffusion in the mixed solvents is not a simple function of fluidity.Reaction with the inefficient scavengers tryptophane (ks -10" dm3/mol s) and phenol (ks -lo7-10' dm3/mol s) correlates inversely with the electron optical absorption energy. The latter is related to the trap depth in the solvent; electrons in deeper traps have less tendency to react with molecules of low electron affinity.Addition of 3 mol% 2-PrOH to water at 296 K increases the value of GE,,,.,, by 16%. although the value in pure 2-PrOH is three-fold smaller than that in pure water. The increase is attributed to an increase in the free ion yield, caused by an increase in the product of the electron thermalization range and the microscopic dielectric constant of the fluid between the ion and electron, averaged over the time that they exist as a correlated pair. Addition of a small amount of alcohol to water increases the orderliness of the water structure.JOANNA CYCLER et GORDON R. FREEMAN. Can. J . Chem. 62, 1265 (1984). La reaction des Clectrons solvatCs avec le nitrobenzkne, N, est une rCaction qui est a toutes fins pratiques contr61Ce par la diffusion dans les deux solvants a I'Ctat pur; kN -10"' dm2/mol s. La valeur de kN est approximativement proportionnelle I'inverse de la viscositC -r-' dans les solvants purs et dans les solvants mixtes a diffkrentes tempkratures. Cependant, si on opkre a une temptrature constante et que I'on fait varier la quantitC d'eau de zCro jusqu'i 74 mol% d'eau, la valeur de kN ne varie pas malgrC une augmentation de 40% de la valeur de T. La diffusion des Clectrons dans les solvants mixtes n'est pas une fonction simple de la fluiditC.