We use holography to study (3+1)-dimensional N = 4 supersymmetric SU (N c ) Yang-Mills theory (SYM) in the large-N c and large coupling limits, with a (2+1)-dimensional interface where the Yang-Mills coupling or θ-angle changes value, or "jumps." We consider interfaces that either break all supersymmetry or that preserve half of the N = 4 supersymmetry thanks to certain operators localized to the interface. Specifically, we compute the expectation values of a straight timelike Wilson line and of a rectangular Wilson loop in the fundamental representation of SU (N c ). The former gives us the self-energy of a heavy test charge while the latter gives us the potential between heavy test charges. A jumping coupling or θ-angle acts much like a dielectric interface in electromagnetism: the self-energy or potential includes the effects of image charges. N = 4 SYM with a jumping θ-angle may also be interpreted as the low-energy effective description of a fractional topological insulator, as we explain in detail. For non-supersymmetric interfaces, we find that the self-energy and potential are qualitatively similar to those in electromagnetism, despite the differences between N = 4 SYM and electromagnetism. For supersymmetric interfaces, we find dramatic differences from electromagnetism which depend sensitively on the coupling of the test charge to the adjoint scalars of N = 4 SYM. In particular, we find one special case where a test charge has vanishing image charge. 1