The difl'crential capillary-rise method was used to determine the orthoharic surface [cnsion of binary liquid mixtures of n-butancnitrilc mixed with n-pent,me. n-hcxanc, and n-hcptanc, throughout the composilion range, at 293.15. 3(13.15. 313.15. 323.15, 333.15. and 343.15 K. l:urthcrmorc, the system with n-hcxanc was also studied at 263.15 K, i.e.. 19 K above its upper critical sc, lutic, n tcmperaturc, over the v,,holc cotnposilion range. For each binary s.vSlelll lh,2 surface tension changes regularly with both Icmpcralur¢ and composition between tile vdltl,.2s of the pure conlpont:nls. The results arc discusst:d ill lernls of deviations from surface idcality and related to the large positive deviations observed for bulk properties of the samc systems.