Using the spherically symmetric self-consistent Green's function method, we consider thermodynamic properties of the S = 1/2 J 1 -J 2 Heisenberg model on the 2D square lattice. We calculate the temperature dependence of the spin-spin correlation functions c r = S z 0 S z r , the gaps in the spin excitation spectrum, the energy E and the heat capacity C V for the whole J 1 -J 2 -circle, i.e. for arbitrary ϕ, J 1 = cos(ϕ), J 2 = sin(ϕ). Due to low dimension there is no long-range order at T = 0, but the short-range holds the memory of the parent zerotemperature ordered phase (antiferromagnetic, stripe or ferromagnetic). E(ϕ) and C V (ϕ) demonstrate extrema "above" the long-range ordered phases and in the regions of rapid short-range rearranging. Tracts of c r (ϕ) lines have several nodes leading to nonmonotonic c r (T ) dependence. For any fixed ϕ the heat capacity C V (T ) always has maximum, tending to zero at T → 0, in the narrow vicinity of ϕ = 155 • it exhibits an additional frustrationinduced low-temperature maximum. We have also found the nonmonotonic behaviour of the spin gaps at ϕ = 270 • ± 0 and exponentially small antiferromagnetic gap up to (T 0.5) for ϕ 270 • .
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