A B S T R A C T This paper investigates the accuracy of a numerical method incorporating an imagecorrelation experiment for finding the crack-tip coordinates, the axes of the measurement and the mixed-mode stress intensity factors (SIFs) of anisotropic materials. Finite element and experimental simulations in this paper indicate that the proposed linear search method incorporating Powell's method is considerably stable for finding the unknown crack-tip coordinates and measurement axes, even though the initial input is far away from the actual data. Moreover, the displacement field very near the crack tip is not necessary. In the experimental validation, the maximum SIF error of the image-correlation experiment is about 9%, which should be acceptable for the mixed-mode fracture problems. a = crack length of specimens A = a search angle to find angle b using the least-squares method b = angle between the global X -coordinate and the local x-coordinate (Fig. 1) [a] = compliance matrix (strain-stress relationship) C = cross-correlation coefficient defined in Eq. (37) D = the magnitude of a search distance to find crack-tip coordinates [D] and [E] = matrices obtained from Eqs (9) to (12) for finding displacement E 11 , E 22 = Young's modulus in the axes of material symmetry (axes 1 and 2 shown in Fig. 1) E a and E b = the errors of the crack-tip coordinates and angle b defined in Eq.(18) E k = the error in the SIFs defined in Eq. (19) f (x, y) = undeformed subset intensity values at selected points within the subset g(x * , y * ) = deformed subset intensity values at selected points within the subset G 12 = shear modulus in the axes of material symmetry [K] = least-squares matrix in Eq. (17) for finding {β} K I and K II = mode-I and mode-II stress intensity factors N = the number of displacement terms in Eq. (7) N xy = area of D by D divided by N xy by N xy lines to find the correct crack-tip coordinates N angle = angle A divided by N angle angles to find correct angle b p j and q j ( j = 1,2) = material parameters calculated from Eq. (3) SHJ is a professor and CYC and BJJ are students.