The entropy of transport of 0.01 molal HC1, S*HCl, was measured in the H20-C2H5OH system from the initial and final thermoelectric power of the quinhydrone-hydrogen ion thermocell at a mean temperature of 25~The variation of S*HCl with the composition of the solvent system was studied and its implication on the solvent structure and on the mechanism of H + ion transport across a temperature gradient is discussed. The transported entropy of H + ion, SH+, at 25~ was also calculated from the S*HCl obtained and from the initial thermoelectric power of the hydrogen-hydrogen ion thermocell in water-ethanol mixtures given by Lin and DeHaven in Part I. ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-03-21 to IP Vol. 116, No. 12